Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Biker Babe

We pulled out the bicycle to give it another whirl. After one day of trying to ride by herself, it clicked! She is so happy and wants to ride it everywhere!


Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

wow! GOOOO AVERY!!!!!we have been talking ab getting one for Aiden. thats so cute.

Sunny said...

Such fun! She looks like a pro. I love how she looks over her shoulder while riding. That is just precious!

Roxy Wishum said...

Woo-Hoo! A bicycle opens up a whole new world!

Shelley said...

Yeah for Avery!!! I saw a little bicycle at Wal-Mart the other day and I was thinking about getting Easton one for his birthday in June, but I wasn't sure how he would do with it. I am glad to know Avery is doing so well. Maybe I will still consider a bike for June.
P.S. I love the video. Isn't the internet wonderful?

Jamey said...

Santa brought Avery the bike two Christmases ago, and she would just sit on it, smile and ring the bell. We would pull it out every now and then, but she would just enjoy being pushed around. My back did not enjoy that, so we continued to tuck it away.

It's amazing how quickly she's picked up on it! After that video, she rode one more day, and then this morning, I couldn't keep up with her unless I jogged. She's the next Lance Armstrong!

(Now that I've figured out the video thing, I'm sure there will be plenty more! Sorry everyone!)

Lerra said...

Oh goodness...she'll be riding all over the place before long! :-)