Braden was laying on the floor where I changed his diaper and Avery was playing like she was tickling him when I left the room.
Suddenly I heard Braden's hurt cry and sprinted back to the living room. Avery looked scared too and I think I yelled, "what did you do to him?!" Then of course she started crying and was terrified.
I couldn't get Braden to calm down like he normally does when I pick him up so I kept asking Avery what she did so I could look at him and know where to check. I saw his bumpo chair and thought maybe she dropped it on him.
Then I realized when I picked him up, he was not where I had left him. He's a big boy, but I'm pretty sure he hasn't learned to crawl or roll to the middle of the floor all by himself. Avery was so upset and scared and brought the chair to me and through tears cried, "here's his chair..I'm so sorry!"
I heard he was getting fussy before the chaos started, so I assume she was trying to help calm him down by putting him in a different seat. She pays attention to what Kenny and I do when he gets fussy, and was just trying to help me out. We talked a long time about what things she can and can't do to help when I'm not around so Braden wouldn't get hurt. She said that she wouldn't want to hurt Braden ever. My sweet girl.
I wish I hadn't overreacted and hollared because then both of my kids were scared.
Life has gone on and we're all still alive. They probably don't even remember it, but for about two minutes both of my babies needed to be held, and I had to choose which one it would be.
I totally understand that one! they do want to help and its hard not to freak if one hurts the other one by accident. Aiden hurt Emerson on Saturday because he was trying to crawl up and see while I was feeding her, and he fell and his chin bumped her head. I found myself irritated at Aiden, even though it was a complete accident, and it was really tough not to act on my initial emotions. He had a booboo too, so we had a talk (after I settled Emerson down) about how to be careful around baby. good story. I'm sure we will have many MANY more of those. Oh, he also tried to soothe her the other day by covering her up. That included her head. Nice.
If Avery remembers this incident, I think the part she'll remember is not how you reacted initially but how you immediately made it right. I think that taught her a most important lesson on how to fix a situation that we didn't handle as well as we could have.
You are a great mom and I know that both of your kids have no doubt in their being that you love them as much as humanly possible!
And, so begins the never-ending struggle between firm discipline and tender love. If only I had a nickel.....
I completely identify with this one! I too have freaked out, for no "real" reason.. only to feel horrible afterwards. I try and tell myself Conner is just trying to help, and he's got to learn somehow!
Avery is adorable and it's good for her to understand that her brother is still very small and fragile (ok, he's not VERY small... :) ).
Your story made me choke-up a bit knowing that I do that too. It's good that you have some affirmation from Avery though that she in fact does not want to hurt him... just help!
I would have been terrified, but it sounds like you handled it just right.
You did great; Avery is a very lucky little girl. MamaKat
I have those same feelings sometimes after I react too quickly in my frustration or anger. It happens to all mommies! I think it's good for our kids to see us make mistakes, though, just like they do and to see us feel sorry for it. I can relate to all of your kids needing you at the same time. It's hard when they do and you don't have enough hands to hold them all.
Oh Anna, I will never know how you do it! At least Avery is older and can somewhat understand when I need to take care of Braden first.
I guess that's just when you pick your favorite! ;) JK!
This may sound weird, but this really is a sweet story. I can't identify like the other mommies can, but I think that you handled it very well!
Anybody would have acted the same way. I can't tell you how many times that I reacted too quickly. Sometimes I think that if I just had more patience then I would make better decisions.
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