Saturday, August 15, 2009

She's So Proud

My sweet Avery had a birthday party to go to today. So, as last minute as I am these days, we went shopping for the birthday present yesterday. Avery was very careful to pick out just the right toy for her friend. As we were on the wrapping paper aisle, we found some plain brown paper. I asked Avery if she would like to make her own wrapping paper. She was ecstatic about the idea. Once we got home, ate lunch, and put Braden down for a nap, it was time to create her masterpiece. Avery was very careful to decide what she wanted to draw, which colors she wanted to use, and how much space she wanted to take up. When she finished coloring, she wanted to help wrap. Once the packaging was complete, she proclaimed that she needed to have her picture taken with her work of art. She was so cute!


Lerra said...

How cute! What a great idea! :-)

Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

AWE It was so cute! we should have saved it but there was too much chaos! that really is so sweet

Roxy Wishum said...

That is a beautiful design! She obviously has natural artistic ability.