Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Little Fun, Family Competition

The kids and I bought Kenny Mario Kart Wii for his birthday. It has been one of those things that has brought fun to all! When we find a spare five minutes, we all try to squeeze in a game or two. Avery has played so much that she can turn it on and navigate the menus by herself!

This was the scene I discovered after bath time the other night.


Brooke Shands said...

Braden's face is a adorable!! I'm trying to talk Jerry into getting a Wii

Amy said...

That is great! I love it!! I want a Wii!! One of my blogger friends has the Wii fit and has already lost like 2 pounds! I want that one too....where is that money tree again???


Those pictures are halarious! I can't believe that Braden will be that still to watch it, too. I think guys are born with the ability to do that at birth. :)

Sunny said...

Jamey, that is so funny! I love the look on Braden's face.

Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

haha! looks a lot like our house...

Lerra said...

Their faces are all too funny!!